The Disaster Response Committee met and decided upon the following.
Avon Park Church will adhere to the Conference Policy to close for two weeks and to the White House recommendation that no group is larger than ten.
Church Office will be open as normal. If you want to, you may bring your tithes and offerings to the church office Monday-Thursday from 10:00am - 3:00pm. It is recommended that you make your offering online.
Sabbath School will be streamed live. No audience.
Only the Adult Sabbath School Class will be streamed live.
Other classes will be pre-recorded and put on the website.
Divine Worship will be streamed live. Participants will be contacted.
Prayer Meetings will be streamed live.
If members would like to provide a testimony, send it to Pastor Robert.
Wednesday lunch is canceled until further notice.
Wednesday delivered meals are canceled until further notice.
Instead deliverers are to make contact with their shut-ins, and report any needs that they may have to the office staff.
Community Services are to stop retailing to the public until March 30th.
Food Bank will have pre-packed food for registered recipients.
Pastor Steven to organize Youth and College Students for Community Support.
Keep safe and God bless you,
Pastoral Staff